Let’s Reflect About Money


Jun 26th 2023
18:00 – 20:00


Factory Berlin Görlitzer Park
1st Floor, Community Hub

We are excited to invite you to our workshop to reflect on your relationship with money. This is not a class of financial literacy, but an experiential space to explore the role that money plays in your life. You can expect to identify, learn and unlearn some beliefs that you might have built throughout your life and adapt them to the needs and wishes you would like to achieve now and in your future.

This workshop is for you if:

  • you are open to explore yourself from a loving, empathetic perspective;
  • you want to identify and change limiting beliefs that prevent you from being on top of your financial flows in the long term.

The hosts Cristina (phd industrial engineer / Gestalt coach) and Berni (Business Administrator / Integral coach) are the oldest and the youngest sisters respectively from a family of 6 siblings. Both grew up with similar, yet different, experiences and are actively working on changing their relationship with money in their own way and bringing to the workshop tools that have been useful for them during this journey.

PS: Bring your journal and favourite pen!

  • 18:00 - 18:30
    Doors Open
  • 18:30 - 19:30
  • 19:30 - 20:00
    Networking & Drinks

Woman and female-identifying individuals gather to network and share resources–empowering each other to reach goals, make new ones and move towards them.

Growing organically from our members’ desire to connect with one another, Circles are self-organized sub-communities at Factory Berlin, gathered around shared interests, industries, and projects, where members exchange ideas, inspire and support each other.

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