Resilience In Business and Life


Nov 17th 2020
18:00 – 19:00


Online Video Stream

Resilience in business and life: what it takes to grow a business in ever-shifting circumstances.

Factory Berlin’s Solopreneurs Circle is inviting you to an online event to learn more about how to maintain resilience and to grow a business in uncertain times.

Join us for a discussion with two seasoned solopreneurs who built multiple businesses and transitioned between roles. The talks will feature stories of how our speakers created their businesses and maintained the needed stamina and resilience to do the hard work day after day. They will share actionable tips and perspectives about building a more sustainable and resilient approach to doing business.

Don’t miss this opportunity for practical, insightful tips that will help your business finish 2020 and start 2021 strong.

The online link will be sent to your email one hour before the event.

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Join the event
  • 18:00 - 18:10
    Welcome & Intro
  • 18:10 - 18:20
    Jenn M Choi - Building businesses and creating impact at scale
  • 18:20 - 18:30
    Tom Hayton - Overcoming challenges and adversity
  • 18:30 - 18:40
    Interactive Session with participants
  • 18:40 - 19:00
    Questions & Wrap-up

Jenn M Choi is passionate about creating an impact at scale. As an Empowerment Coach, she empowers real humans to make big life changes and design the life + work they dream of.

As the Founder of Bon Intent, a marketing communications consultancy, she helps tech companies sound more human. And as a Writer, Speaker and Content Creator she tells inspirational personal stories and shares practical life + work lessons to empower people.

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Tom Hayton is a creative director, consultant, writer and speaker. He’s primarily interested in telling stories that inspire people to overcome challenges and adversity.

Tom has worked with big brands, NGOs, and startups all over the world, and is particularly interested in helping people who have been affected by conflict. He is the author of “The Hustler’s Guide to the Pandemic: how to build a more resilient business in the era of COVID-19.

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Growing organically from our members’ desire to connect with one another, Circles are self-organized sub-communities at Factory Berlin, gathered around shared interests, industries, and projects, where members exchange ideas, inspire and support each other.