The Opportunity in Crisis: Humane Marketing


Jun 3rd 2020
18:30 – 20:00


Online Video Stream

During this COVID-19 pandemic:

  • Should I increase, adjust or stop my marketing efforts?
  • If I don’t stop, can I use the same messaging or do I have to adjust?
  • How did people’s behavior change now that so many people work from home?
  • What can we learn from previous recessions?

Now more than ever, we need to use a more humane approach.

Enter Humane Marketing.

Many marketers treat humans like numbers, and especially these days this is completely unacceptable.

Whether you have an online business, a service business, a coaching business, or an offline business that uses the internet to get new customers, the rules of the game are changing…

…and they’re changing FAST.

What’s working now? And what’s next?

Join us in or for this event to find out.


Jacob Zangel is a Humane Marketer, a Growth Consultant and the upcoming host of the “In Pursuit of Eudaimonia” podcast, who helps impact-driven businesses work with their dream clients and grow sustainably through humane growth marketing.

Nowadays he’s focused on helping German businesses that are affected by COVID19.

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